But not only that: being able to savor the intense, refined, complicated flavors of different regions of Italy, and the fact that it is recognized, proclaimed, formalized, gave us an idea.
Why not make a tours of all the Buon Ricordo restaurants, weekend by weekend, discovering dishes that are the utmost expression of territoriality, but united by the same way of catering? It would be a way to perceive the red thread uniting the flavors and culture of our country, proud of its diversity, no longer competing with itself.
(...)"Hostaria Baccofurore 1930", Furore (Salerno), with one of the new specialties: "Ferrazzuoli a la Nannarella". Typical Gragnano pasta topped with smoked swordfish and piennolo tomatoes. The aroma is almost that of smoked provola, but the flavor is an explosion of sweetness, with the texture of al dente pasta combining with the meatiness and flavor of the fish smoked. A wonderful combination.